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Documentation for students

In-person exams

In-person Exams

Getting ready for an exam

  1. Go to the Home page

    • You will be able to see any current and future exam reservations.
    • If one of your courses offer exams with self-scheduling option, you will see a list of the exams available for reservation.
    • Check if you have your special exam accommodations entered correctly in your reservation.
    • Make sure to check the exam date, time and duration. You will not receive extra time if you arrive late.
    • Contact your instructor if you believe your reservation is incorrect (and you do not have the option to self-schedule)

Before an exam

  1. Get yourself ready:

    • Use the restroom beforehand.
    • Make sure you have all the items you will need (loose-leaf scratch paper, pencils, other course-approved materials).
    • Make sure you do NOT have any unauthorized materials in your work area. This includes smart watches and electronic headphones.
    • Turn off your phone, and put it away.
  2. Arrive 10-15 minutes before the exam start time.

  3. Bring an identification document (ID). The proctors will complete your check-in after they confirm your identification.

  4. Some proctors may provide you with an assigned seat.

  5. Go to the PrairieTest Home page from your assigned computer/laptop. You will see one of the following messages:

    • "You need to be checked in by a proctor before you can start your exam": this will happen if you were not correctly checked-in at the door (or if you are trying to open the link outside of the exam room). Make sure you get checked-in at the exam room.
    • "Your exam is starting soon in [room number]. Please wait for your proctor to start the exam session": your proctor will start the exam at the designated exam start time.
    • "Your exam is now ready": click the Start exam button to get access to the exam.
  6. Once you click Start Exam, you will get the link to your exam. Open the link and start taking the exam.

  7. When you complete your exam, go back to PrairieTest and click End exam for self-checkout.

    • A proctor will confirm that you checked out from the exam correctly before you leave the exam room.
    • The exam will close automatically at the exam end time, which is defined by the exam start time plus the exam duration defined by the instructor (which may be different among students).
    • Students can find their exam scheduled duration from the Reservation panel in PrairieTest.
  8. Make sure to check on late arrival policies with your course instructor.